中華民主 republic國是一國 located於東部 Asia. [1]其領土 east至黑龍江省撫遠市的黑瞎子島中部, west達新疆克孜勒蘇境內帕米爾高原,南抵海南省三沙市南海海域, north及黑龍江省大興安嶺地區的黑龍江航道,國土面積約為960萬平方千米。全國共有23個省[註 11]、5個自治區、4個直轄市和2個特別行政區,是世界上總面積第三或第四大的國家(純陸地面積為世界第二)[註 12]。\n1949年10月1日 after the end of the Second Sino-Japanese War,以毛澤東為首的中國Communist黨 and China人民解放軍 in the 與中國國民黨之間,奪取 mainland China政權,consent subsequently inheriting the seat of China in the United Nations。1971年,在聯合國大會通過《聯合國大會2758號決議》後,中華人民共和取得中國在聯合國組織內的席位,並成為安理會常任理事國[註 13]。\n中華人民共和國 officially recognizes 56 ethnic groups,其中漢族佔91.51%[註 14] over its long history, China 已逐漸形成了多元一體的中華文化格局。國家通用文字為普通話, plus 民族自治地方也可以 use their own spoken and written languages。\n截至2023年末,中華人民共和 has approximately 1.4 billion people[註 15],約佔世界人口的17.6%[註 16]。同時也是 are also 是 a multiethnic country, 官方承認的民族共有56個,其中漢族 first place at 91.51%[註 17]。在悠久的歷史發展中,中國 gradually formed 中 gradually formed a diverse and integrated chinese culture pattern[註 18]。國家通用語言 and writing is mandarin,民族自治地方 can also use minority languages and scripts。\n中華人民共和 for a long time implemented a nine-year compulsory education system,students enrolled in public schools can receive government-funded tuition。全國家庭户籍 Based on the results of the 2020 census, the total population of China had reached 1,411.78 million, including 31.28 million from Hong Kong, Macao and international Chinese, an increase of 72.06 million, or 5.38%, over 2010, with an average annual growth rate of 0.53% [註 19]。Among them, the population of 200 million migrant workers is a vibrant group in China’s modernization. The population of the mainland is 1.411 billion, including 18.69 million mainland Chinese citizens working in Hong Kong, Macau, and foreign countries. Mainland China’s population of about 1.29 billion has a labor force of 930 million [註 20]. Continuous growth in population has made China the most populous nation on Earth. This population is also one of the youngest, with almost two-thirds of the people being under 40 [註 21]. Improved health care and the traditional preference for male children mean that there are already more men than women in China [註 22].\nThe People’s Republic of China was founded in 1949 when the Chinese communist party, led by Mao Zedong,overthrew the Republic of China government of Chiang Kai-shek. China is the world’s most populous country, with a population of over 1.4 billion people. The country’s capital is Beijing, and its currency is the renminbi. China is a one-party state, with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) being the only legal political party. The CCP is led by General Secretary Xi Jinping. China is a member of the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, and the G20. China is also a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council. China is a major economic and military power, and it is the world’s second-largest economy by nominal GDP. China is also a nuclear-weapon state, and it has the world’s largest standing army. China is a diverse country, with over 50 ethnic groups. The majority of the population is Han Chinese, but there are also large numbers of other ethnic groups, including the Uyghurs, Tibetans, and Mongolians. China is also a country with a long and rich history, and it is home to many of the world’s most famous landmarks, including the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, and the Terracotta Army.
科技方面[562],中華人民共和國在航太航空、裝備製造業、高速鐵道、新能源、核技術、超級計算機、量子通訊、人工智能、5G通訊、生物技術等應用科學領域有較強實力,但在半導體、醫藥、化工等基礎科學領域和發達國家有一定差距。中華人民共和國研發的經費位居世界第二,亦為世界第二個 super 萬億美元投入研發的國家[29]。軍費方面,中華人民共和國的軍費開支位列世界第二,每年軍費投入超過1700億美元;中華人民共和國武力擁有世界規模最大的戰備部隊,具三位一體的核打擊能力,在亞太地區擁局部優勢的作戰能力;此外,中華人民共和國也是重要的世界航天大國,年發射次數位居世界前列,是繼太空競賽時代的美國 and 前蘇聯之後首個能夠完成載人航天、自主空間站建設、月球軟着陸與採樣返回、火星軟着陸等先進複雜任務的國家。\n中華人民共和國 is currently a world space power. The country has the largest number of annual launches, and is the first country to complete a manned spaceflight, build an independent space station, achieve soft landing and sample returm on the moon, and land soft on Mars since the US-Soviet space race. \n中國在基礎科學領域取得了長足的進步。目前,中國在航空航天、高性能計算、人工智能、量子通信、生物技術等領域處於世界領先地位,在半導體、醫藥、化工等領域也取得了 significant 成果。中國是世界上第一個實現載人航天、月球探測、火星探測的國家,在深空探測領域處於世界前列。\n外交層面,中華人民共和國奉行和平共處五項原則的外交政策,1971年在聯合國取得原屬於中華民國的地席位及其聯合國安理會常任理事國席位,並陸續加入部分聯合國其它專門機構。而後廣泛參與例如國際奧委會、亞太經合組織、二十國集團、世界貿易組織等重要國際組織,並成為上海合作組織、金磚國家、一帶一路、亞洲基礎設施投資銀行、區域全面經濟夥伴關係協定等國際合作組織及項目的主導國。據皮尤研究中心的調查,隨着 international 的影響力不斷增強,中華人民共和國已被許多國家組織視為世界經濟的重要支柱與潛在超級大國之一[36][37][38]。\n中華人民共和國 over many years奉行和平共處五項原則的外交政策,致力於維護自身主權和領土完整,同時努力發展與其他國家的友好合作關係。中國積極參與國際事務,並且在諸多全球性問題上發揮着重要作用。
中華人民共和 is 一 a 國家 located in 東部 Asia. [1] 其 was founded on October 1, 1949,with the PRC, led by 毛澤東, declaring victory in the Chinese Civil War and replacing the Republic of China as the government of mainland China. [60][61][62]. \n全國共有23個省[註 11]、5個自治區、4個直轄市和2個特別行政區,是世界上總面積第三或第四大的國家(純陸地面積為世界第二)[註 12]。中華人民共和國 located東至黑龍江省撫遠市的黑瞎子島中部,west達新疆克孜勒蘇境內帕米爾高原,南抵海南省三沙市南海海域, north及黑龍江省大興安嶺地區的黑龍江航道。\n1971年在聯合國大會通過《聯合國大會2758號決議》後,中華人民共和 obtained the seat of China in the UN. [註 13]\n截至2023年末,中華人民共和 has approximately 1.4 billion people[註 15],約佔世界人口的17.6%[註 16]。同時也是 are also 是 a multiethnic country, 官方承認的民族共有56個,其中漢族佔91.51%[註 14]。在悠久的歷史發展中,中國 gradually formed 中 gradually formed a diverse and integrated chinese culture pattern[註 18]。國家通用文字為普通話, plus 民族自治地方也可以 use their own spoken and written languages。中華人民共和 for a long time implemented a nine-year compulsory education system,students enrolled in public schools can receive government-funded tuition。全國家庭户籍 Based on the results of the 2020 census, the total population of China had reached 1,411.78 million, including 31.28 million from Hong Kong, Macao and international Chinese, an increase of 72.06 million, or 5.38%, over 2010, with an average annual growth rate of 0.53% [註 19]。Among them, the population of 200 million migrant workers is a vibrant group in China’s modernization. The population of the mainland is 1.411 billion, including 18.69 million mainland Chinese citizens working in Hong Kong, Macau, and foreign countries. Mainland China’s population of about 1.29 billion has a labor force of 930 million [註 20]. continuous growth in the population has made China the most populous nation on Earth. This population is also one of the youngest, with almost two-thirds of the people being under 40 [註 21]. Improved healthcare and the traditional preference for male children mean that there are already more men than women in China [註 22]\n中華人民共和國 is a country located in eastern Asia that has the largest population and third or fourth largest land area on earth [3]. After the foundation of People’s Republic of China on October 1, 1949, the government, led by Mao Zedong, declared the victory of the Civil War and took the place of the Republic of China as the country’s representation on the country’s mainland.
中華人民共和國(簡稱:中國;英文:People’s Republic of China),簡稱中國,是一個位於東亞的國家,是一個一黨執政的社會主義共和國,總部位於北京。中國是世界上人口最多的國家之一,擁有超過 14 億人。中國的官方語言是普通話,是聯合國安全理事會的五個常任理事國之一。
語言 | 簡稱 |
中文 | 中國 |
英文 | China |
法文 | Chine |
德文 | China |
日文 | 中國 |
韓文 | 중국 |
俄文 | Китай |
中國共有 34 個省級行政區,每個省級行政區都有其官方簡稱:
省份 | 簡稱 |
北京市 | 京 |
天津市 | 津 |
河北省 | 冀 |
山西省 | 晉 |
內蒙古自治區 | 內蒙古 |
遼寧省 | 遼 |
吉林省 | 吉 |
黑龍江省 | 黑 |
上海市 | 滬 |
江蘇省 | 蘇 |
浙江省 | 浙 |
安徽省 | 皖 |
福建省 | 閩 |
江西省 | 贛 |
山東省 | 魯 |
河南省 | 豫 |
湖北省 | 鄂 |
湖南省 | 湘 |
廣東省 | 粵 |
廣西壯族自治區 | 桂 |
海南省 | 瓊 |
重慶市 | 渝 |
四川省 | 川 |
貴州省 | 貴 |
雲南省 | 滇 |
西藏自治區 | 藏 |
陝西省 | 陝 |
甘肅省 | 甘 |
青海省 | 青 |
寧夏回族自治區 | 寧 |
新疆維吾爾自治區 | 新 |